The dissemination of research results and community service to academics and practitioner is an important series
in research and community service activities as an output. This can be done through either national or international seminars or
conferences. Through these seminars and conferences, researchers and community service implementers are expected to exchange information
in order to expand their scientific knowledge and perspectives. International conferences can also facilitate cooperation between
researchers and practitioners within the same field. Participating in international scientific publication seminars, they can also provide
researchers with opportunities to publish in reputable scientific journals.
The condition of the Covid-19 pandemic affects how seminars and conferences are conducted, therefore it is necessary to find a way to
facilitate the dissemination of research findings and community service. Facilitating the implementation of international seminar activitie
s for the dissemination of research results and community service is one way in which Universitas Multi Data Palembang provides full support
to researchers and implementers of community service activities.
Choosing "Sustainable Development: From Research to Innovation Following a Pandemic" as the main theme, THE 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE
ON ADVANCED INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND COMMUNICATION (IC-AITC) is organized by Goodwood Conferences and the Faculty of Computer Science
and Engineering, Universitas Multi Data Palembang. This activity is conducted online and aims to increase the scientific capacity of
Indonesian academics.